Discount Car & Truck Rentals

3309 Dufferin St
Toronto, ON M6A 2T7
(416) 785-1992

Discount Car and Truck Rentals is a Canadian vehicle rental company based in Hamilton, Ontario. They have been operating since 1980. Owned and operated by the Singer Family, Discount Car and Truck Rentals are the only Canadian national car and truck rental company that is owned and operated by Canadians. From the outset, they have set out to focus on the insurance replacement business. Today, they offer industry leading car and truck rental services to all types of customers.

Discount Car and Truck Rentals is the first rental company to offer free customer pick up and drop off in Canada. They have built a reputation of excellent customer service and that service is at the centre of everything that they do. They have built the business to the stage where they now have in excess of 300 locations all over Canada. The motto of the business has remained unchanged from the very start and is still at the heart of everything they do: “We want your business and we’ll come right to your door to get it.”