Recycle My Electronics

Toronto, ON
(888) 646-1820

Recycle My Electronics is an E-waste diversion program for many kinds of electronics in the province of Ontario. Operated by Ontario Electronic Stewardship, Recycle My Electronics is a web resource and service that enables residents to learn the location and correct method to recycle electronics. The Ontario Electronic Stewardship (OES) and Recycle My Electronics is a non for profit organization and is funded by e-waste fees paid by manufacturers and retailers. OES does not receive funding from the government.

The program was founded in 2009 with the objective of responding to the increasing challenge that used electronics pose for the province of Ontario and its citizens. As 90% of electronic component parts can be recycled or refurbished, Recycle My Electronics aims to educate residents about responsible e- waste diversion to protect public well-being and reduce costs for the province of Ontario. Residents are advised to drop-off old electronics at OES-approved collection sites free of charge where they require special handling and transport.

Recycle My Electronics manages 44 kinds of the most common home and office electronics including floor standing printers and phone systems for handling and transport. OES has collected over 100,000 tonnes of unwanted electronics in the last two years, raised public awareness to 65% and created hundreds of jobs.